Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hey Ladies,

YaY!!! finally my ATG 714 is here. I have been waiting a very long time for this day! They were on back order from Scotch but after all it was worth the wait the ATG is in my hands. I bought my ATG over @ www.framingsupplies.com for a fabulous price (Did an extensive search and they had the best price to date) I also found the tape for a great price at www.Tapedepot.com.
I will let all of you know how this adhesive tape runner works for me. I have heard great things about it and decided to invest in one myself. Everyone tends to speaks very highly of the ATG 714 and I will be sure to share my comments.


1 comment:

Tonya Klar said...

You will LOVE it!!! I got mine at the same spot and they truly have the best prices. I have a store and I can't even get them wholesale for the price Framing Supplies sells them for! I've not bought tape from the Tape Depot but I'll definitely check that out. Thanks for the tip!